双语主持 婚礼-双语主持婚礼***

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于双语主持 婚礼的问题,于是小编就整理了4个相关介绍双语主持 婚礼的解答,让我们一起看看吧。
romantic wedding浪漫的婚礼;浪漫婚礼双语例句1. Every newly - wed longs for a romantic wedding and it'srealize their wishes! 每个人都有一个浪漫的梦想,每个人都有一生幸福的愿望,一个完美的婚礼是两人幸福的起点.2. The museum also held a romantic and mysterious undersea wedding. 而且馆内还可举行浪漫神秘的海底婚礼.3. Luxury doesn't mean everything ! Wedding should be memorized forever with something romantic. 有人说:婚礼一生就一次就应该奢华点.4. St. Lucia as a romantic destination. The island gets plenty of visitors, including wedding parties. 圣卢西亚是一个浪漫的旅游胜地, 该岛拥有大量的游客, 包括婚礼宴会.
master of ceremoniesn.节目主持人,司仪; 复数:masters of ceremonies网络短语:Master of ceremonies 司仪,大会司仪,节目主持人Reporter master of ceremonies 记者型节目Wedding master of ceremonies 婚礼司仪双语例句:In2007 a robot named Tiro was master of ceremonies at the wedding of one of itsdesigners. 2007年,一个名叫“泰罗”的机器人还为它的设计工程师之一担当了婚礼司仪。
a marriage表达了什么?
a marriage
Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony thesedays.
Brins relationship raises one of the most obvious issues: the breakup ofa marriage.
marry me的意思是,嫁我;嫁给我;和我结婚。第三人称单数:marries me;现在分词:marrying me;过去式:married me;过去分词:married me。marry:(和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲。
marry me的中文翻译是跟我结婚。
marry me
[ˈmæri mi]
1. I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.
到此,以上就是小编对于双语主持 婚礼的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于双语主持 婚礼的4点解答对大家有用。
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